What are your kids arguing about this summer?
I'll bet you one millllion dollars (said in my best Dr. Evil voice) that none of you have ever had to hear THIS argument from your kids before....
Me: Happily changing up my splash page image - just to keep it fresh you know? Happens to be a picture of Kelsey because it was easy to grab (oh and I LOVE it too). Here is the original splash page version. http://www.beckyedwardsphoto.com/
Jill enters stage right: "MAAAAWWWWMMM! Why are you using a picture of KELSEY on your site!?! I want to be on there!"
Me: Okay, hold on, I'll change it (thinking that Kelsey will never be the wiser, Jill will get over it and we'll all move on) Click here for version #2 http://www.beckyedwardsphotography.com/
Just before kids are heading to bed, I pull up version #2 of the splash page file and start to tweak it a bit. Low and behold, Miss Kelsey enters the room. "MAAAAWWWWMMMMM! Don't put Jill on your website! My picture is better!"
Oh for the love of PETE! So then Kelsey goes and GETS Jill and they both started FIGHTING about it. Of course Jill TELLING her that I had Kelsey up first and changed it for Jill. Then I got the ol' "Put MINE up. No put MINE up...."Thank goodness I have 2 site names, so I can load two different pictures... (for now)Lordy... I think there's been a little bit too much togetherness this summer.
A better topic would be "What AREN'T your kids arguing about this summer"
Our most recent was last night at bedtime, we have 2 bathrooms with 3 sinks, I had 3 children all brushing their teeth at the same time, they were all hovered over the same sink, pushing and shoving each other. "It's MY sink" "No it's MY sink", "It can't be either of yours sink because it's MINE!"...
Ay yi yi, it's gonna be one long summer!
Sounds like my house. My kids have their own bathroom, complete with their own shower and two sinks, yet they will only use MY bathroom with one little shower and one sink. 5 people crowded in. Drives me crazy! We moved 2 years ago from a one bathroom house to this 4 bathroom house and it was to be the highlight of the move. Hmmm... maybe they just really, really love me to want to be near me all the time.
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